"Paakha(n)dd praem n paaeeai khottaa paaj khuaar. 
His Love is not obtained through hypocrisy. Her false coverings bring only ruin."

This a beautiful shabad by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Ji states, everyone claims to be the true soul brides of Guru Ji but when the time comes to settle their accounts, their red robes will look corrupt. 

Guru Ji goes on to say, his true soul bride is decorated and ravished with the love of Vaheguroo's name. She is dyed in the deep Crimson of Vaheguroo's shabad. Her mind is pierced through constantly with the Guru's love. The true lover lives forever and adorns Vaheguroo's love. He permeates her consciousness and the temple of the tenth gate is opened. The name of Vaheguroo becomes her everlasting necklace. She recognises no man, apart from her husband Vaheguroo. 

Guru Ji then goes on to say, those who are a sleep throughout, how will they pass their life night without their husband Vaheguroo? Their limbs shall burn, their body shall burn and their mind alongside their wealth will also burn. When Vaheguroo doesn't enjoy the soul bride (us), her youth passes away in vain. We remain asleep on our beds, while our husband Vaheguroo lay awake waiting for us. How will we ever gain wisdom? 

We all look beautiful in Guru Sahib Ji's bana (attire) and dastaar (turban) but are we equally as beautiful on the inside. Guru Ji knows who is beautiful on the inside and who is a hypocrite and only looks beautiful on the outside. There is no need for this hypocrisy, as we won't achieve any peace, love or happiness from it. No one will respect us for it. The the true devotee of Vaheguroo is loved by all. Their fragrance and radiance is seen by all through the energy and love blistering through their eyes, body language and magnetic spirit. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the same shabad goes on to Say, "Sathigur maelee bhai vasee naanak praem sakhaae. 
The True Guru has led me to meet Him, and now I dwell in the Fear of God. O Nanak, His Love is always with me."
