Game of love 258- FRIENDSHIP


We all want good friends in our lives. Who is a good friend? What is a good friend? How do we find good friends? Does friendship really exist? Who is our real and true friend? 

Many of us have friends. Are these friends there for us in time of need? Are they there to share our sorrow? Do they always want the best for us? Are these friends only our friends because we fill their void? 

Friendship is all about us. We need to be all of the above. When we become all of the above, that is when friendship really works. There are very rare faithful friends who have unconditional love. Most are friends, because they need each other for something. Friendship usually works on condition. If one keeps taking off the other, it won't be long until they've had enough and weaknesses are formed within the relationship. Friendship is a two way process but if you have called someone a friend then that friendship should be a binding relationship for life, whether you speak or never see that person ever again. 

It's easy to keep family but very difficult to keep unconditional friends. There are not many about. It's a nice feeling to have friends but one should never fall in to the trap of being attached to them. There is a fine line between love and attachment. Attachment will cause inner suffering. 

As Sikhs, We should think of the friendship we have with our Guru and God. If we learn how to make our Guru and God our best friends, then that means we have learnt the true friendship of love. For the spiritual person, keeping unconditional friendship is a very easy game, as spiritual people who meditate on the name of God see God in all. They see the virtues of God in all. Guru Ji says the whole world becomes the friend of a God loving person. 

How is this possible? 

Those that meditate on Gods name become one with their spirits. When a human becomes one with their spirit they naturally become one with all spirits, as all spirits are joined to the one but they've just not had this living realisation.

Making best friends with your inner self through Naam meditation is the most loving and peaceful friendship one will ever have. This friendship will support your mind until the end. This friendship will fight against all your vices, thoughts, emotions and actions. This friend will never judge you. This friend will only love and support you. 

To make the sangat (congregation) our friend is also a very vital friendship in Sikhi. One should always remain close to Spiritual like minded people. In the end they will always pull you through. 

So seek the love of Guru Ji and through their spiritual teachings become one with yourself and God by mediating on their beautiful name. In the end even our friends will leave our side. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says "Your devotees are imbued with Your Name; they enjoy peace everywhere.
The entire world is seen to be passing away; only the Lord's Name is lasting and stable.
So make friends with the Holy Saints, so that you may obtain a lasting place of rest. 
Friends, acquaintances, children and relatives - none of these shall be your companion in the end. 
The Lord's Name alone shall go with you; God is the Master of the meek."
