Game of love 260- SCARY FACES


Guru Sahib ji says, "Those faces are scary who don't sit besides Guru Ji."

What does Guru Ji mean by this? Why are those faces scary? How is that possible? 

Basically, Guru Sahib Ji is telling us that spiritual wisdom is very important in ones life. If one does not know how to balance the mind, control the mind, control ones emotions, control their vices including ego, they will struggle and suffer through this life. 

It is very important we know how to meditate to get through this life or one will suffer. Guru Ji has given us the spiritual ointment through their loving teachings of Gurbani. These teachings walk us through each aspect of life and how we should get through this life perfectly, without being affected by the pressures of the world. 

The pressures of this world are very difficult to get through in this life but when one has been practicing for many years and well in touch with their spirit and mind, then one has no problem controlling their feelings. 

This is the main reason Guru Ji says, "scary are the faces of those who don't sit beside the true Guru and meditate on his name." The pressures of life catch up with these people and their mind is affected rapidly by triggering off their ego and emotions. This continues throughout the life of the individual, as one fails to be content within and wants more to satisfy their luxurious life style. This goes on to cause, stress, depression and anxiety. All the negative emotions are shown on ones outer appearance. The energy/aura they hold will always be of a cold one. 

Guru Sahib Ji also goes on to say, "beautiful are those in this world and the next who meditate on the Gurus mantra. They continue to live in ecstasy and their faces are radiant in both worlds. They gain respect wherever they go. 

It's scientifically proven that those who meditate, their faces and eyes begin to shine, their bodies are filled with unmeasurable energy. Their aura and presence becomes very positive, loving and powerful. This is all the power of the mind, soul and God. 

Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their faces but their character!! 

"Fareedaa tina mukh daraavane Jinaa visaarian naao"

Bhagat Fareed Ji Says, "Fareed, the faces of those who forget the Lord's Name are dreadful.
They suffer terrible pain here, and hereafter they find no place of rest or refuge."
