Game of love 234- TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF SEVA! (Selfless service)


One snowy morning, a Gursikh walked down to the doctors with his daughter. There was an elderly couple sat in the waiting room who were just leaving, as the Gursikh was going in to see the doctor. 

After seeing the doctor, the Gursikh and his daughter went next door to the chemist. As they went to the chemist, they noticed the elderly man from the doctors pouring sand under his wheels, whilst his vehicle seemed slightly stuck in the snow. They thought nothing of it and walked in to the chemist. 

They were in the chemist for around 10/15 mins. When leaving the chemist, both of them saw the elderly couple in their vehicle with their wheels spinning in the snow. They were in exactly the same position the Gursikh saw them, as they went to the chemist. 

Without any thought, the natural reaction for the Sikh was to go and help. He did a very quick ardaas (prayer), whilst walking to the car by saying, "Guru ji accept and make the Seva successful." He walked to the back of the white elderly couples vehicle and pushed from the back right of the vehicle, as the man look through his mirror at him. The Sikh man was pushing slightly up hill. Amazingly, with one push, the large vehicle spun straight out and started driving slowly away.

The man was very thankful and quickly wound his window down and started saying thank you many times and acknowledged the Sikh mans daughter with a warming smile. The Gursikh said, "no prob, just keep driving," as didn't want him to lose momentum.  

The Gursikh smiled to himself and was very proud that, Guru Ji blessed him to serve and help a fellow human being in need. He was proud that Guru Jis roop will be praised, if the white man ever tells his story. He was happy that Guru ji blessed him to do a good deed, which will be added to his account when he departs. Most of all he was proud that Guru ji was so close and heard and acted out his Ardaas themselves, as it seemed more or less impossible to push the large vehicle up a slight hill on his own. 


Always remember, when doing ardaas, believe it will come true, as Guru Sahib will never let their Gursikhs down. Every Karaj (event/action) we do, should be carried out by an ardaas to begin with. Such is the life of a Sikh, Guru Sahib keeps the laaj (respect) of his Gursikhs ardaas. 

Never think twice about doing Seva, just do it, this should be 2nd nature for a Sikh. Many times we say no, when asked to do Seva. Seva is an opportunity given by Guru Ji himself. If we keep saying no or thinking leave it, there will be a time where Guru ji will stop blessing us with it and We'll never be asked again. 

Serving others is serving God (vaheguroo). It gains respect, love, confidence in ones self, divine pride, humility and replaces negative thoughts with positive energy. such is it's power! 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Make good deeds the soil, and let the Word of the Shabad (vaheguroo) be the seed; irrigate it continually with the water of Truth."
