Game of love 214- ARE WE DOING ENOUGH?


As we remember the shaheeds of June 1984 and salute their sacrifices, we should ask ourselves have we truly valued and taken benefit from their shaheedi? 
How have we moved forward? Are we still ghulaam (slaves in India)?
Gurbani says that when Gursikhs leave this world, their names are never forgotten. But WE have forgotten. 

We've forgotten those who smiled when their end came, because they had sacrificed their all for what they loved most - their panth. 
It's time to wake up and recognise your responsibility.
You sit in your house on your comfortable sofa, watching your TV, feeling happy, because you did your Nitnem (daily prayer) that morning. 
Ask yourself, what do you do for the panth (Gurus Family-All Gursikhs)? 

IF your answer is NOTHING. Then recognise, Guru is calling for your shaheedi (martyrdom) too. We all need to give shaheedi. We don't have to honour this physically, mentally will do. We fail to do this mentally. We don't want to help anyone apart from our own. We have become very selfish in our thinking. HOW DO WE SACRIFICE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY? 

Sacrifice your time to do much needed seva (selfless service).
Get involved in local/national projects, Start up kids classes, 
Work with Gursikh groups to support our community and fight for our rights. Give up your money to support the panth. 
The panths future is in YOUR hands. 

Or forget this message and carry on living your comfortable little lives and forget the panth. Who cares about the panth?

Can we really forget the sacrifice of our forefathers, who sacrificed their all so we could live in luxury today?  

There is a time, when you need to become the light instead of looking for it! 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Those whose consciousness remains committed to His Service - blessed is their birth and their coming into the world."
