Game of love 207- THE BODY TURNS TO DUST!


Imagine if you saw a pile of excrement, bones and blood, which were wrapped up in layers of skin. How would you feel when seeing it? 

Would you like it? Would you want to keep it? Would you be proud if you owned it?

That's what this body is!! 

The Shabad (hymn) below goes in to great detail, about exactly what this body is. The shabad says, 'we have come here as guests but yet we think we are here to stay. We are very proud of this body and allow it to be controlled by the vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. 

Guru sahib ji says, when this body perishes, no family member will be allowed to even give it a tiny space in the bathroom. The body will have to leave, and loved ones will be scared, crying out, Ghost! Ghost!'

The puppet of this body has been fashioned with great skill and brilliance. It only really serves one purpose and that is to purify this filthy mind, through Naam meditation and cut it's journey from the 8.4 million life forms to liberate the soul. 

Guru Ji Says, 'I can not live without my beloved Vaheguroo for an instant. Please don't separate me from him. He is my only support. I will die, just as the fish dies without water. Such is my state.'

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, 'you are just excrement, bones and blood, wrapped up in skin.
This is what you are taking such pride in! 
If you could understand even one thing, then you would be pure.
Without understanding, you shall be forever impure. 
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru;
through Him, I obtain the Lord, the All-knowing Primal Being.'
