Game of love 179- MAYA-DELUSION


The Roop (form) of Maya -

Maya's role is to entice you away from a righteous path. It will try many different ways and manifest in many different forms to lure you away from Guru Sahib Ji. 

One of the forms it takes is through woman/man who could befriend you or try to gain your attention and attachment. Maya knows, that when you attach to her then you are in her clutches. From here she will dictate where you go, what you do and how far you can walk on the spiritual path. 
It's like having a shackle on you, you can only reach so far, and can be dragged back at any point. 

Maya can appear as aalas (laziness). The voice in our head, which tells us to stay asleep at amritvela (early hours). The voice which tells us not to go to Kirtan programmes (singing Vaheguroo's praises) or do seva (selfless service). However it doesn't mind us doing seva, if we are only doing it to boost our ego in the form of Kirtan, tabla, gatka display etc.. The voice that doesn't want us to do anything Gursikhi orientated but instead feed it with TV, food and other stimuli.

Maya can appear in many other forms including ego. The voice that tells us we are something special. Which makes us put others down and glorify ourselves. When we understand our enemy then we can begin to fight it. In truth, constant Naam Jap (meditation) is the only thing which will hold the waves of maya back. 

99.99% will fail but those that constantly immerse themselves in Naam and feel the naam vibrations inside, they will eradicate the power of maya and give themselves stability of mind to fight urges. It is a tough tough battle, but without solid amritvela Naam abhiyas (practice) to kick start your day, we have no chance.. 

"Kaam Krodh nagar meh sabla nit uth uth joojh kareejai" Sexual desire and anger are very powerful in the body-village; I rise up constantly to fight the battle against them.
