Game of love 171- REFLECT


If you don't know already; the only thing money brings you is worldly possessions. A big house, an expensive car and nice clothes etc.

It doesn't make you invincible. Everyone will die and those who have to leave behind their fortune will die the most painful death, because
they are getting parted from their wealth, all they have ever worked for.

Live simply, eat simply, and be grateful for everything you have. Be grateful for the food in your fridge, for the comfort of your bed, for the love of your mother/father because millions of people don't have these things. 

That gratitude and your good actions will be worth more to you than billions of pounds, when you leave this world to enter the next and be judged on your actions towards yourself and Vaheguroo's (Gods) creation. 


Let's take a minute out! Where is our life taking us? what is it's purpose? Why are we here? What do we want to achieve? Who are we pleasing? What will be the final result of it's achievement? Where do we go from there? Is it a circle? Do we want more? Will we ever be happy and content? 

If we get the inside right, it's guaranteed the outside will fall in to place. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Worldly possessions are obtained by pain and suffering; when they are gone, they leave pain and suffering. 
O Nanak, without the True meditation on Gods Name, hunger is never satisfied."
