Game of love 157- WITHOUT NAAM MEDITATION 10


"Without the Name, the body suffers in pain; it crumbles like a wall of sand."

In this Shabad, Guru Sahib says the body crumbles like a wall of Sand and suffers in pain. Without Naam our life is not worth living, we will struggle to be happy, content and at peace. One tends to suffer through greed and personal ego. we will most likely not be respected or loved by anyone, as most people look out for themselves or their own in this World. We will have no one to turn to in hard times, If we did find someone, there would usually come a point where we would have to repay them in some form or another. And life goes on in a struggle for survival, until the body falls like a wall of Sand. 

True love only comes through the Guru and their sangat (congregation), the rest is all false. 

We will be more successful in all our endeavours if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-centre ourselves through naam meditation. In this way we would gain a lot more joy and peace in living. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the Name of the Lord wells up, when the True Guru unites us in His Sublime Love."
