Game of love 145- REWARDS FOR TRUE LOVE


An 8 year old child saw his dad dying and said, "dad aren't you gonna save me and take me to dargah" (Gods court). His father said, "a poora (pure) Guru will come and save you in your life." 

109 years later, this child had developed into a Muslim fakeer and was still waiting. He was now aged 117. At Amritvela 1am he awoke and went to do ishnaan (bathe). He heard a rustling in the bushes. He called, 'who is there'.

Then he saw a man sitting in the bushes holding something in his laps. The fakeer asked 'who are you oh beloved of God, what are you doing here at this time and what are you holding in your laps so preciously?'
The man replied, "my name is Bhai Jetha, and I'm holding the pavitar sees (pure head) of my Poora Satguru  (Pure True Guru), Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji" (9th Sikh Guru). 
The fakeer began to cry and cry uncontrollably. He said to Bhai Jetha, I've waited 109 years to get Darshan (vision) of the Poora Guru and they come to me like this?"
His bairaag (longing) became immense, as he asked Bhai Jetha to rest while he looked after the sees of Guruji. 

From 1am - 5am he did chaur sahib with a peacock feather, crying that he could not speak to Guru. He had so much to ask but was unable to. 
At 5am Bhai Jetha awoke and told the Muslim fakeer that he must now leave for Sri Anandpur Sahib. 
The fakeer asked, "is there anyone else in the place of the Poora Guru?"
Bhai Jetha said, "his son Gobind Rai."
The fakeer said, "I am too old to walk there, I am almost bed ridden, please get a message to Guru Ji to come visit me. I will be waiting."
Bhai Jetha agreed and set off. 
As he arrived at Sri Anandpur Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh ji did Darshan of the saroop of his father and asked Bhai Jetha, "if there was anything else urgent he needed to tell him." Bhai Jetha remembered and said, "there is an old Muslim fakeer who wants to meet you. He is waiting anxiously to have your Darshan."
Guru sahib made a note. From here, 9 years passed. The Khalsa had just been victorious in the battle of Sri Paonta Sahib (Battle of Bhangani) and at this time Guru sahib was about 19 years old. As they were in the Chandigahr area, Guru sahib remembered that this was where the Muslim fakeer lived who had been waiting for his Darshan. Guru sahib asked the fauj to leave and 11 Gursikh came with him. Guru sahib took his shoes off as a sign of respect. This fakeer was very devoted and had done Darshan and seva of his father Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur, so deserves utmost respect. He arrived at the fakeers house. By now he was bed ridden aged 126. The fakeer asked "who is it?" Guru Sahib replied, "Dass da Naam (servants name is) Gobind Rai. You've been waiting for many years and now I've come."

They entered the small hut and the fakeer fell at the feet of Guru, but Guru sahib picked him up and hugged him closely. The fakeers eye brows were so long he had to hold them up to see out of his eyes. He cried and cried and said "I've been waiting so long for you. I've been dreaming about what you must be like and now you are before me." Guru sahib said, "you showed my father much respect, you did his Darshan and seva (served him) and for that you can ask for whatever you want." The Fakeer asked for a small place in Dargah (true spiritual court) where he could be with guru. Guru sahib (Bardo Aalam Shah - Ruler of both worlds). Guru Gobind Ji said, "I will give you the whole of dargah."

So this fakeer is historically now known as Fakeer Dargahe Shah and his history is linked to a Gurdwara in Chandighar called Gurdwara Nabha Sahib, which marks this historic event. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur also showed respect here to the fakeer who was beloved to Guru sahib.

This is how we should all serve and truly love our Guru! 

Questions are asked, why is Guru sahib not showering his grace on us? Let's answer the question. Do we love the Guru as much as the fakeer did? Do we do as the Guru says? Do we love God with every breath? Do we see God in all their creation? Do we keep the Gurus discipline? Is our sangat (companions) like minded, God loving? When it is, we will be rewarded without any discrimination, just as the Fakeer was. We have to make the effort, no one can do it for us. Sikhi is very simple, we (our mind) add complications, as we struggle to focus and meditate (jap). 

A Sikhs duty is to unconditionally love Vaheguroo with every breath. When we become this way without wanting rewards, it's then Guru Sahib glances his grace! 

Guru Ji Says, "Gazing upon the Lord's form of perfect beauty, my hopes have been fulfilled; attaining the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my hunger has been appeased."
