Game of love 116- THE TRUE STATE OF LOVE


Guru Gobind Singh Ji Says, "Jin Prem Keeo Tinn Hee Prabh Paaeo," the one who loves the Lord, i.e loves the Lords creation, will no doubt become one with Vaheguroo (God).

A physical and spiritual state of love is the most beautiful state of mind one can attain.

How do we reach this state of mind?
Only through Simran (meditation). When we contemplate the name of the Lord Athai Pehar (24/7 hours) Saas Saas (with every breath) in the mind, the mind body and soul are converted in to this state of love.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Har Jupeeai Aaraadheeai Aath Pehur Govindh"
Chant the Lord's Name and contemplate the Lord of the World, twenty-four hours a day.

This state of mind is not easily attained, it could take many many life times and a lot of Abhiyaas (practise). To love Gods name, we listen to the lords name in our minds (inner ears) with contemplation, eg Vaa he Gu roo, (great is the Guru), this is what the Shabad Vaheguroo means. Once we can train our minds in to listening and contemplating at the same time we will be blessed with Prem Ras (love taste) , Naam Ras (names taste), Amrit Ras (travels from our navel-1st chakra to our 6 chakra- tenth gate after accepting baptism and devoting our life to meditation). Once we have tasted these Ras then other worldly tastes seem very very bitter.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Gurumukh Mun Sumujhaaeeai Aathum Raam Beechaar
The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul. 
Har Rus Bin Sabh Suaadh Fikureeaa
but without the sublime essence of the Lord, all tastes are tasteless."
