Game of love 65- SING AND LISTEN


"Sing and listen. Your pain shall be sent far away and peace shall come to your home."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Singing and listening to inspirational words brings peace and contentment. Steal a few moments for faith and you will find that this makes you a greater person. 

What's the reason for the above? 

Many experiments have been carried out, where an equal amount of rice and water are added to two jars. Positive words are placed on the outside of one and negative words on the outside of the other. These words are repeated by the same person daily at various different times, for the same length of time. The result in the end always shows, the rice in the negative words jar always moulds a lot quicker than the positive words jar. 3min vid below. 

What is the reason for this? 

The body is made up of about 60% water, this experiment shows the negative and positive effects by words, thoughts and emotions on water.

We need to understand the energy of being positive. A positive person always has a positive effect on people, their aura and energy is always extremely powerful and vice versa. A positive person speaks through their heart and soul. A negative person speaks through their egotistical mind. 

Singing and listening to the pure words of Guru Ji is pure food for the soul. These words (shabads) are created by totally pure beings. They effect our being even if we don't understand them. Just imagine how these words and praises of vaheguroo would effect our being when they are understood and sang with true love. Think about how they will effect our mind, body, soul and also the people around us.. 

We need to recognise, we have been blessed the gift of Gurbani (Gurus word), let's find the correct sangat and profit from it.. 

Guru Amardas Ji says, "In this dark age of kaljug, the singing of Vaheguroo's praise has appeared as a light in this world."
