"From father, grand father, great grand father are born son, grand son, great grand son respectively and from great grand son is born simply a relative (natta, having no specific relational name).

The relationship of mother, grand mother, great grand mother, father’s sister, sister, daughter, and daughter-in-law is also respected.

Maternal grand father and mother and maternal great grand father and mother are also known.

Father’s elder brother (taia) younger brother (chacha), their wives (tai, chachi) et al. also remain absorbed in worldly affairs (Maya).

Mama, mami (mother’s brother and his wife), masi, masar (mother’s sister and her husband), all look dyed in their own colours.

Masar, phupa (mother’s sister’s husband and father’s sister’s husband respectively), father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law (sali) and brother-in-law (sala) are also close.

The relationship of chacha’s-in-law and those of the mama-in-law and phupha-in-law are known as inconvenient relations.

The relationship of sister-in-law’s husband (sandhu) and father-in-law of your daughter or son (kuram) are momentary and fake like those passengers of a boat sitting in a group.

The True relationship is with those brothers/sisters who meet in the Holy Congregation. They never get separated.

Through the Holy Congregation, the Gurmukhs learn the technique of renunciation amidst enjoyments".(19)

Bhai Gurdaas Ji 

This shabad explains the different rishte (relationships) we have in this world. Bhai Gurdaas ji goes on to explain, all these rishte are false as they are not connected by the spirit to naam & baani. These rishte will leave us after this life and not join us in the spirit world to rejoice in naam & baani here after. True love only comes through Guru and shabad. We also have nothing worldly to fall out over when our all is naam/baani. 
Only those relationships are true in which are connected/binded by naam, baani, Guru and Gursangat. Sangat (congregation) keeps us in touch with purifying our mind constantly. Those who are binded via shabad remain together in spirit forever..

With Guru Sahib, shabad and sangat we will never feel alone! If practiced correctly through meditation we actually feel ecstatic at all times, even whilst living in this dark age of worldly ras (enjoyment). 

Guru Sahib Ji will always protect and remain by us through mind, body and soul. They will never let us suffer according to Gurmat, they are our TRUE RELATION! 

Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji

"I have seen that all relationships are false, and so I have grasped hold of the hem of Your robe, vaheguroo". ||1||
