Game of love 57- IGNORANCE


"The shabad (vaheguroo) dispels the spiritual ignorance within and through the True Guru, one finds peace."

Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574
One morning, when our new teacher of "Introduction to the Rights" entered the classroom, the first thing he did was to ask the name of a student seated on the front bench:
“What is your name?”
“My name is Harjan, Sir.”
“Leave the classroom immediately and I don't want to ever see you in my class!” screamed the teacher.
Harjan was bewildered but, when he got hold of his senses, he got up quickly, collected his belongings and left the classroom.
All were scared and angry but none did or said anything.
“Well…”, said the new teacher, “whom do the enacted Laws serve?”
We were all afraid but slowly gained confidence and began to answer his questions.
“So that there is order in society”.
“No!” the teacher responded.
“To accomplish them."
“So that the people who wrong others pay for their actions?”
“No! Does nobody here know the answer to this question?"
“So that there is justice”, a girl said timidly.
“At last! That’s it... so that there is justice! And now, what is the use of justice?”
All began to feel uneasy with such a rude attitude but followed on answering:
“To safeguard human rights...”
“Well, what more?” asked the teacher.
“To differentiate right from wrong... to reward the good...!”
“Ok... not bad, however,... answer this: Did I act rightly when expelling Harjan from the classroom earlier…?”
All were quiet, nobody answered.
“I want a decisive and unanimous answer!”
“No!" we all replied in unison.
“Would you say I committed injustice?”
“And why did nobody do or say anything about that then? Why do we have or need Laws and Rules if we don't have the will needed to practice them? Each and every one of you has the obligation to complain when you witness injustice. Remember, each and every one of you!  Do not stay quiet… never again! Now, go and call Harjan back,” he said staring at me.
That day, I received the most practical lesson ever in my entire Law course.
When we don't defend our Rights, we lose our dignity… and dignity is never negotiable! Gurus Sikhs should never turn a blind eye!

"This dark age is the knife and the kings are the butchers, righteousness has sprouted wings and flown away."Guru Nanak Dev Ji