Game of love 48- GURSIKH LOVE


The humility of Guru Ramdas Ji is immense. 1534-1581

"O Gurmukhs, O my friends and companions, give me the gift of the Lord's Name, the life of my very life.
I am the slave, the servant of the Guru's Sikhs, who meditate on the Lord God, the Primal Being, night and day. Within my mind and body, I have enshrined love for the feet of the Guru's Sikhs.O my life-mates, O Sikhs of the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, instruct me in the Teachings, that I might merge in the Lord's Merger."

Bapu Ji (father, Guru ji) shared something amazing yesterday. He said we can measure someone's love for Sikhi and Guru Sahib, by seeing how they treat other Gursikhs and Sangat. 

Gursikhs belong to Guru Sahib so if we have love for Guru Sahib, we will automatically have love for everything related to Guru Sahib, especially his Gursikhs. 

Reminds me of something someone else had said earlier, that we should kiss the feet of even a dog that lives near a Gursikhs house! But sometimes we can't even treat Gursikhs with any love, forget about the dog. 

We have lost our love for Guru Sahib Ji, this is the reason, why we don't have the same love for Gursikhs anymore. We don't live our live's according to the Gurbaani lines at the top of the page. 

"Gurbaani Banneeai" ang (page) 304. Guru Ramdas Ji says, become Gurbaani, the walking figure of Guru Jis perfect and spiritual teachings.
