Game of love 47- POWER


"I respectively bow to those who have power, yet remain humble."

Bhai Gurdas Ji 1551-1636

Power can destroy or heal. Power can turn the mind away from the needs of the soul. Those people who have power yet attend to the needs of the spirit, realise what true power is. When you have true power always remember your humility towards others.

Power can come in many forms, some people have the power and wealth of money, some people have the power of status, authority and positions. 

Everyone is powerful in their own way. Guru sahib ji tells us, the most powerful human being is the one that remembers god (vaheguroo). If we don't remember god, all worldly power and wealth is worthless. We need to remember all we have is gods (Guru Jis), they can give and take back at any time. 

"All wealth, power and the eight miraculous spiritual powers are in the supremely sublime essence of naam."
Guru ArjunDev Ji. 

The god loving human being will always remain humble, even if they have all the wealth and power in the world. 

The aura and energy of naam will always keep them radiant and powerful in both this world and the next (spirit world).

Let's forget fighting for worldly positions, as in the end these positions will be filled by others after we depart. We will only be remembered if we have loved, respected and genuinely helped others whilst having the power of these worldly positions. 
