Game of love 34- KNOWLEDGE


"Knowledge grows in the seeker, it's light fades in those who argue."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Arguing prevents you from learning. Discussion and openness allows you to develop as a person. Arguing your point across to others means you never learn anything yourself. If you seek new ideas and thoughts then your knowledge will grow.

When we meditate on Vaheguroos name, it causes us to become open minded, we become very quite and focussed and naturally become great listeners. Through listening we learn more and gain knowledge. Most people in this world like speaking and struggle to listen. This causes us too learn less, become closed minded and accept less, which makes us more egotistical rather than humble.

The true wisdom that Guru ji speaks about, is spiritual wisdom and divine knowledge. This is gained through the spiritual teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and meditation on Gods (vaheguroo) name. 

When we meditate, we conquer our mind and thoughts and gain the knowledge/wisdom of god (brahamgyan). This is when we are blessed with the universes knowledge and wisdom, just like god.  Guru Sahib himself holds our hand, becomes our support and guides us spiritually through this terrifying earthly life ocean, through their divine teachings.

Every human being has the potential of gaining this spiritual wealth. It's condition is, we need to beg for naam (gods name) through the Amrit Sanchaar Ceremony. This is when we become khalsa (pure) and are gifted with naam meditation and rehit (code of conduct).

"Wisdom, honor and wealth are in the laps of those whose hearts remain permeated with gods (vaheguroo) name."
Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 
